miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

nortino coastal riches


Nortino waterfront where it would install two coal-fired power plants, extending a zone of great biodiversity, especially marine, with an abundance of otters, penguins, seals, dolphins and even whales. Everyone seems to agree that the coast just north of La Serena, between the municipalities of La Higuera, Coquimbo Region, and Freirina, the Atacama is an amazing marine wealth in its flora and fauna, which also has a splendid future of tourism. In this broad area, highlights-by sur-la Reserva Nacional Pinguino de Humboldt, which runs between the islands Gaviota, Damas and Choros. Such sites, which include a seabed filled with corals, molluscs and seaweed, make a natural sanctuary for wading birds and other species. Only Damas and Choros Island, are home to more than a thousand penguins. The colony has been increasing in recent decades under the protection of Conaf. Along with birds, are also developed important herds of sea lions, and more attractive to the visitor: the permanent presence of bottlenose dolphins and pilot whale. Today in Punta de Choros, for example, has restaurants, cabins and inns that annually receive 25 thousand visitors. The rich flora and aquatic organisms that thrive in these cold waters free of pollution, extends the same coast to the island of Chañaral, on the southern coast of Atacama. Dolphins returned after 10 years of absence, which indicates that this part of the Atacama coast is ripe for reproduction and breeding. With such an astonishing abundance of animals, people in this part of the Atacama coast and coquimbana dream and develop special interest tourism generates many resources elsewhere, such as southern Argentina. To do so, however, according to experts, should remain undisturbed paradise. It's the unknown that opens today and whose answer no one has for the moment.

2 comentarios:

  1. It leaves a meaning for the very important nature, is for it that this very good since important mas is to take care of the territory of in that we live

  2. this news is very important because it is a natural reserve of our country and must be looked after
